Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Fun stuff to do with your family (part 1)

They're small, they're big, they're old they're young. They live in a mansion or just a small house. What are these people? What kind are the best? Oh, you really can't tell. They each do their own special things, and none are the same.

What are these things? Families of course!

Here are some fun things to do with your family:

  1. Take a bike trip to the park or a restaurant.
  2. Make some cookies, brownies, pie, any dessert together
  3. Have a movie night. Click here for some fun ideas.
  4. Plan a scavenger hunt. Have any kid hide the stuff and make the list.
  5. Make a family poster. Cut stuff out of magazines and glue them onto a big poster board. Make sure they are about your family and what you plan to do this year!
Do these things and watch your family come closer together!

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